Selasa, 15 Juni 2010


If you are a student right now,and you still don’t have plan for your future,then you need to visit this website.The address is
By visiting this website regularly,students can reach their potential because they are motivated and empowered to do so.There are six component of student keys program in form of workbooks.The component of student keys program are personality styles(communication preferences),perceptual styles(learning preferences),cognitive styles(thinking preferences),values styles(motivating preferences),occupational choices(based upon personality preferences),and goal setting(using all preferences to set goals).Five of the workbooks include short assessment that identify the individual’s “style” and how he or she can maximize strengths and appreciate limits.The six workbooks are available separately  or as a complete package.Training products are also available for exact workbook such as leader’s guides,an interactive and training CD-ROM.
There are some advantages that you can get from visiting this website regularly:
1.They are fast and accurate self-scoring assessment.
2.Workbooks can help students to:
    -Identify communication and learning strengths.
    -Enhance self-discovery learning motivation.
    -Prepare for college and career.
    -Make the most out of social time and study time.
    -Make informed,realistic and fulfilling career and life decision.
Hopefully,you will have a future plan after you visit this can make your life more meaningful from the potential that you can reach a bright future later on if you have already prepare it from now on.

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